Presented by KANG Jolivette EWO

To discern means to recognize or find out

Spiritual seasons are periods of change, growth, and transformation in our relationship with God; Seasons of Preparation (Joseph in Potiphars house and Prison), Seasons of Testing and Trial (the story of Job), Seasons of Fruitfulness and Harvest (the parable of the sower which depicts different levels of spiritual seasons confer Matthew 13:1-23), Seasons of Rest and Renewal (Jesus always retreated to rest and recharge after a period of work Read Mark 6:30-31), Seasons of Change; Change is inevitable in our spiritual journey. As we navigate transitions, we rely on God’s guidance and trust in His faithfulness. All of these seasons mentioned above fall in the categories of Kiaros and Chronos.

To fulfil God’s purpose for your life;

  • You must be able to discern spiritual
  • You must understand that there is a time sensitive call upon your
  • you must understand that God’s thoughts are not your thoughts and His ways are not your ways:

v  Is 55:8-9; For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

  • You must understand that It’s the holy spirit who brings revelation and helps us discern between right and wrong, good and evil, and hearing his voice versus other voices

 1cor 2:10-12; But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man

which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

  • You must understand that there is a time you must respond and if you don’t, it will take the mercy of God for the season to return.
  • Understand that to benefit from the pool of favour, it will take more than desire, it will take precision and intentionality
  • Labor in the place of prayer and doors will open with ease

Different Spiritual Seasons


  1. Aion – age, eternity, everlasting, world without end; this time refers to the eternal nature of God who created time:

 Hebrew 1:8; Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, the sceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of your kingdom


  1. Hora – The “now” time of God, an hour, season, a specific set time or moment

John 4:23; But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship him


  1. Chronos – Normal passing of time, days to weeks to months to years i.e chronological time, space of time and an indication of a delay or a long time

 Ecclesiastes 3:1; To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven

  • Most of our daily lives are spent in
  • In this time, God is preparing us through a process of growth, change, experiences, etc.
  • In this time, we are not wasting or loosing time, we are simply
  • Our Chronos time equips us for a Kairos moment when heaven and earth converge and the will of God aligns perfectly with our lives.
  • When Chronos time is delayed, things can shift through a kairos moment described as a “suddenly”
  • What you do during your Chronos can either cause you to miss you Kairos or enter your Kairos.
  • In Chronos time, you will realize that success is not always determined by effort and hard work. Work hard but understand that you need more than hard work. You need favour.
  1. Kairos – The right time, the opportune time, the set time

Read Ecclesiastes 9:11


    NIV; I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned but time and chance happen to them all.

 NLT; I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don’t always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time.

  • There are things you can enjoy as a result of spiritual precision. Put yourself right with God so that you discern when your season is about to change.
  • Kairos seems like coincidence but it isn’t. What we call coincidence is God’s prophetic and providential intervention in human affairs.
    • it wasn’t a coincidence that Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery. That incident played greatly into his Kairos. .
    • When Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac, the ram was up there by the natural working of God. It was no coincidence.
  • Moses’ encounter in the burning bush was not a coincidence. It was the supernatural working of God.
  • Maximizing your Kairos will give you all that you have been looking for in no distant time.
  • Those who walk in Kairos discern what God is doing at a particular time. They can sense when there is a shift in the spirit and they have the promptings of the spirit.
    • Kairos is the secret behind speed
    • When you pray in kairos, God creates a window in time for you to come out
    • A man of Chronos cannot compete with a man of Kairos
    • You need to understand the power your anointing has to play to lead you to your Kairos. Your anointing can provoke things that others without the anointing cannot provoke
    • When Kairos sets in, you find yourself at the right place, at the right time
    • When Kairos sets in your life, you can never be disadvantaged
    • The story of Joseph… Joseph found himself in prison because his access to the king was in there. Even when the person whose dream he interpreted forgot about him, God caused Pharoah to dream.
    • During your Kairos, people who promised you and failed in your Chronos become restless until they fulfil their promises
    • In the story of Esther, the king was restless until he remembered Mordecai. Even Haman who wished death upon Mordecai found himself in a position where he had no other choice than to honor Read Esther 6:1-11.
    • In your Kairos, God creates an opportunity for your gifts to find expression. You need to utilize those opportunities.
    • Have the consciousness that one move of God will turn everything around
    • Kairos makes blessings hard to explain
    • Kairos makes your normal routine have extraordinary It brings about ease
    • Prayers have natural principles but prayers made during Kairos yield different results
    • In Kairos, things do not function by principle, they function by miracle
  • Everyone who entered kairos in the bible obeyed. They made a sacrifice which propelled them into their season of plenty. The widow of Zarephath Read 1kings 17:7-16 the moment she met Elijah was her Kairos moment. Any other widow who gave her last meal would probably have died
  • Pray for God to replicate the Kairos grace in your life
  • Pray for time and seasons to favour you
  • You can be surrounded by the wrong people who make you miss your Kairos
  • It takes audacity to do what you have to do at your appointed You must understand that opportunities that present themselves during your Kairos often seem scary and people are likely to discourage you from pursuing them.
  • Pray for audacity to make the right moves, knock on the right doors and speak the right words when your Kairos presents itself… Joseph when he left prison
  • Understand that you may have to make moves that will not will not make sense to people

If you miss your Kairos, it’ll take the mercy of God and a recalibration of time for it to return

How to Fully Access Kairos

  • Understand your role in preparing for your Kairos during your Chronos. Water will turn into wine in your Kairos but it will only be at the level of the containers you made available. Read John 2: 1-10 The wedding in Cana.
  • Know that God will bless you but he won’t go beyond the containers you provide
  • Do not be timid. Be bold and
  • Once you discern your Kairos, make the move. Joseph was ready for his opportune time. He knew he was going before the king and so he prepared and presented himself as one worthy of being in the presence of the king Genesis 41:14; Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon: and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh.
  • Do not consider men superior to you. Joseph did not panic in the presence of the king. He interpreted the king’s dream, gave a solution to the revelation and nominated himself for the position of governor. His confidence and appearance won the king’s trust.
  • Learn to ignore external voices when you’ve already heard from God. Do not share the instructions God gives you with people who love you but hate your
  • Pick your friends The devil’s best access to you is your cycle of friends
  • Beware of people who look spiritual but have canal minds Proverbs 27:17; As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
  • Understand that some steps in Kairos feel like you have taken 2 steps backwards. Keep moving
  • Do not be comfortable in Progress is more stressful than stagnation
  • You have a responsibility to pray for yourself and discern your
  • Kairos time comes unannounced and so you must be prepared for it Read 1thessalonians 5:1-6
  • You have to prepare and get ready for an outpouring of
  • To get ready, the first step is to You must do away with self centeredness and return to your first love.
  • Create a personal relationship with God so that you hear him for yourself otherwise people will mislead you
  • Be reminded of who you are in christ and the covenant you have with the father through the finished works of Jesus on the cross
  • Refine your mind and thought If you conclude that you are small, you’ll remain small even if your season’s windows open to you

Negative Kairos

  • Kairos works with the spirit of prophesy and people who cannot discern will fall prey to negative prophesies
  • It is possible for positive and negative Kairos to be happening at the same time. One person’s negative Kairos a can effect another person’s positive Kairos Explain the story of Vashti and King Xerxes; Esther 1:10-20. For Esther to have been the king’s favorite, Vashti needed to God can displace people from positions where he wants to place you.
  • Sometimes negative Kairos plays in the lives of certain people because of negative prophesies and utterances that were made upon their lives which need to be broken. Understand the role you have to play as a child of God in your family.
  • The world is highly spiritual and you are either flowing according to the influence of God or expose yourself to negative influences Ephesians 2:1-2 NLT; Once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins. You used to live in sin, just like the rest of the world, obeying the devil—the commander of the powers in the unseen world. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God.
  • Be sensitive to the promptings of the Beware of who you allow speak words into your life, and lay hands on your head
  • Be sensitive to wrong words upon your life. Be careful what words you speak over your life explain
  • Words are powerful
  • Someone can sow a negative prophesy in you life and it’ll keep jumping from one generation to the next until a man rises up and says enough is enough.

Negative Kairos can happen if;

  • You stray away from the plan of God and be under the preview of the enemy
  • You do not understand your spiritual authority and someone uses that against you and your family.
  • You entertain the devises of the devil James 4:7 says commit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee

How can You Discern Your kairos seasons?

  • Through prophesies
  • Through dreams; Pay attention to your dreams
  • Through visions
  • Through the word
  • Through the promptings of the spirit; the holy spirit is not a spirit of commotion. When the Holy spirit is leading, you feel a level of peace
  • Through prayers
  • Solitude / Meditation
  • Discomfort in places where you once felt peace; When you find yourself uncomfortable in places that once brought you peace, that is a sign that you are in a new season. Before God can take you to a higher level, He has to do a bit of shaking and if you are sensitive enough, you will recognize His doings
  • Strategies that were effective before become ineffective; that could be God telling you that your season has shifted
  • Desire for change; When you get to the point where you desire to experience something new, it could be a sign that you are in a new season. It could be a sign that where you are now is not where God wants you to be
  • Through the renewal of your mind; Romans 12:2; Do not Conform to the standards/patterns of this world… you can only be transformed when you renew your mind and it’s only when you are transformed that you will be able to ascertain God’s perfect will for your life. It’s only after you are transformed that you will be able to discern the season God is leading you
  • Through obedience; there is no creativity around
  • Don’t try to modify God’s instructions to suit your perspective of what you think you need just obey.
  • Obedience to instructions gives you supernatural
  • There are dimensions of favour and abundance you cannot enjoy if you do not obey God. Imagine that Abraham didn’t obey God when he was instructed to sacrifice his only son. That act of obedience made him the father of nations and till date, we can’t talk about faith without talking about Abraham

There are blessings that you will only experience if you obey God and submit to Him. No amount of prayer can get them for you only obedience. Obey the leading of God in your heart. God can give you over to yourself if you refuse to obey Read Psalm 81:10-16

If God leads you, he will fight the obstacles for you. If you lead yourself, you’ll fight the obstacles by yourself.


Discerning spiritual seasons is essential for our growth and maturity in faith. Through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and seeking wise counsel, we can navigate these seasons with confidence, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.