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God gave me purpose

I have often struggled about my finding and walking in my purpose with God. Mostly because, I have always known I am called for something bigger than myself.
Struggled openly and loudly during the second edition of the DOTK retreat where we were studying “How to discover your purpose”
Because of that lesson and the meaningful conversations I shared with a sister from that community, I can say boldly that my journey in walking in my purpose has begun. Mathew 7:7 emphasizes that if we seek we will find and I’m glad I did. Still have a long way to go as this journey has just begun but now I walk in complete awareness of who I am and my service as a child of God.

Please join us for our next retreat on the 28-30th of March where yet again, we will be having this beautiful conversation about Walking in purpose.


Finding purpose

I am Kang Jolivette Ewo, founder of Daughters of the King Cameroon Community. Starting and serving this community is my life’s purpose. Walking in alignment with God’s will has brought me indescribable joy, and though I may not see the full picture yet, I trust that He who began this good work in me will complete it.

For years, I called myself Daughter of the King without fully grasping its meaning. Now, I understand that it is my true identity – I am a child of God, created in His image. This realization was the first step toward discovering my purpose.

The call to start Daughters of the King came when I was lost, struggling to find my way back to Christ. What I thought would be a one-time prayer retreat became a life-transforming journey. This community has not only changed lives, it saved mine. I was drowning in past regrets, but through fellowship with like-minded women hungry for Christ, I found healing, purpose, and renewal.

Today, my transformation is undeniable. I am no longer lost, bitter, or weighed down by my past. I have learned to love, forgive, serve, and thrive as a godly woman. My heart is at peace, my faith strengthened, and my relationship with God deeper than ever.

Above all, my greatest desire is for more women to experience the love of God as I have. I am His servant, fully surrendered to be used for His glory.


My Life after accepting Christ

I began attending Daughter of the King from the second retreat online, where the Spirit of God convicted me, and I was blessed by preachers who spoke on Purpose. That was when I truly started finding Christ. Weeks later, I got a Bible, but I didn’t start reading it immediately until the next retreat. My friend and I then became more devoted, starting a Bible study group and reading from Genesis to Exodus. Through this journey, the Lord has convicted me on many things. Reading the Bible has given me wisdom in areas like finances, ethics, and much more. I can testify to the goodness of God, as my faith has grown immensely. Hallelujah!


Comfort in Christ

I lost all hope in God after I lost both my parents and aunt in a span of two years.
I stopped praying or going to church and I blamed God for everything that went wrong. I masked my pain and depression with sleep, partying, alcoholism mindless relationships and many more.
After I attended the first DOTK retreat, I was able to open up about my pain and trauma. I felt so welcomed and loved. I felt forgiven and valued. My eyes opened to a whole new world. My spark for God was revived. I fell in love with Jesus all over again. I started healing, I found purpose, the sleeping and depression went away, the constant pain and crying all stopped. The desire for worldly pleasures stopped and the void in my was filled.
Now I’m living a fullfiled life in Christ, I know my purpose and I have hope once again.
It all started with the tears I shed at my first DOTK retreat. God was always there for me, but I was in so much pain to notice. Thank you Lord for bringing me back home, You mean everything to me
